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Comic Book The Flaming Shadow On Flowvella

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by pepsitheaka1986 2020. 2. 10. 03:09


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Hey BooCMB, just a quick heads up: The spelling hints really aren't as shitty as you think, the 'one lot' actually helped me learn and remember as a non-native english speaker. They're not completely useless. Most of them are. Still, don't bully somebody for trying to help. Also, remember that these spambots will continue until yours stops. Do the right thing, for the community.

Yes I'm holding Reddit for hostage here. Oh, and while i doo agree with you precious feedback loop -creating comment, andi do think some of the useless advide should be removed and should just show the correction, I still don't support flaming somebody over trying to help, shittily or not. Now we have a chain of at least 4 bots if you don't include AutoMod removing the last one in every sub! It continues! Also also also also also Have a nice day!.


After gauging the reaction of many TV critics, TV lovers, and TV dilettantes to the premiere of the new fantasy series American Gods, one clear pattern has emerged. Long-time fans of the Neil Gaiman—who wrote the novel the show is adapted from—are excited to see what’s comes next. Non-book-readers, however, tend to react to the premiere with confusion. I thought it might be helpful to infuse this article with a little bit of book knowledge, so that everyone can be equally excited about what’s to come. There are no major spoilers below, but there is, hopefully, enough added info there to clear up lingering American Gods questions.


The Flaming Shadow


Still, so we’re all on the same page, here is your official Season 1, Episode 1 spoiler alert. Don’t say didn’t warn you. What’s with Those Vikings? The episode opens with a bloody (and we mean bloody) Viking battle. This scene actually doesn’t happen in the book (more on that in a bit), but it’s what’s called a “Coming to America” scene.

In the novel, interspersed among the main Shadow and Mr. Wednesday plot are several “Coming to America” scenes, which explain how the gods of the old world got to American via the faith and dreams of immigrants. Set in various time periods and exploring several different kinds of immigrant experiences, the interludes are often disconnected from the main story.

The “Coming to America” sequences will crop up throughout Season 1—usually acting as a sort of pre-credits “cold open” treat. Some will have characters that tie back into the main plot; some won’t. This viking story pays homage to the moment that first sparked Neil Gaiman’s idea for American Gods. “During a stopover in Iceland I stared at a tourist diorama of the travels of Leif Erickson, and it all came together,” Gaiman in a preface to the 10th Anniversary Edition of the book. Here we see a Viking crew, stranded on Northern American shores, endeavoring to find a sacrifice violent and bloody enough to please their war god, Odin, in the hopes he will bless them with winds to fill their sails.

After the Vikings have sufficiently wounded themselves and placated their god, the episode hops forward in time to more familiar book territory. But the most important takeaway here is that the Old Gods—brought to American shores thanks to belief—demand bloody sacrifices. Oh, and did that wooden statue of Odin look at all familiar? What’s With Shadow’s Obsession With Coins?

Shadow’s fondness for coin tricks is admittedly one of the more convenient aspects of the books. More on that later. Much, much later.) But the fact that Shadow occupied his time in jail by teaching himself many things, including coin tricks, is established in the first paragraph of the book: “He kept himself in shape, and he taught himself coin tricks, and thought a lot about how much he loved his wife.” The coin flipping is so integral to Shadow Moon’s character that actor Ricky Whittle had to work long and hard to teach himself how to do it. Whittle told me at last year’s Comic-Con that he spent the two months between when he was hired and when shooting started working on coin tricks, using a combination of serious YouTube study and work with a magician that Starz flew out to consult with Whittle.

Whittle with a coin he pulled from his pocket—and when things didn’t go as smoothly as he hoped, he said he had to warm the metal up. “The thing is, when you start off with a coin, it starts off cold. It slides off your fingers.

Then it warms up and runs smooth. Then it gets too warm and then it sticks. So there’s a sweet spot you have to find.” Does Ricky Whittle have a coin warmer on set at all times, ready to hand him a coin that’s the perfect temperature? You bet he does. #image: /photos/590690d267d0525e9861a220 Who Is Mr.

If that wooden statue of Odin in the Viking battle looked familiar, perhaps it’s because it bore some passing, crude resemblance to Ian McShane. Fans of Norse mythology and calendars surely will have gotten the hint while watching the premiere when Shadow asks Wednesday his name. “What’s today?” Wednesday asks. “Wednesday,” Shadow replies. “Today’s my day.

Let’s go with that.”. Wednesday is the Anglicized version of Wodensday, a.k.a. (Just as Thursday is Thor’s Day.) In Norse mythology, Odin is king of the gods—some of you may know him as Anthony Hopkins in Marvel’s Thor films. He is also the god of war, wisdom, poetry, and magic. Though not known for being a trickster god (that’s Loki’s shtick), the Odin of American Gods is something of a hustler.

Does he know more about the circumstances of Laura Moon’s death than he’s letting on? He did tell Shadow (under his breath) that he wouldn’t have a job to go back to when they were both still on the plane. This was, presumably, before he saw the newspaper item about Robbie dying alongside Laura. The fact that Mr. Wednesday is Odin (or, at least, an Americanized version of Odin diluted by his time in America) would explain why he drafted Shadow into his service by using mead—a drink often associated with Norse mythology. What’s with the Flaming-Eyed Buffalo? I can’t honestly say too much here for fear of spoilers, but it’s important to note that in certain regions of Native American life, notably the Great Plains and the Southwest, the buffalo and bison continue to be vital in spiritual, ceremonial, and physical aspects.

In the books, this figure is a Buffalo Man—as in partially human. But knowing Bryan Fuller’s fondness for heavily animals, it should come as no surprise that he went full buffalo here. In the series, that’s Ian McShane voicing the flaming-eyed figure. In the books, it’s unclear whether Shadow is partially Native American. He is an intentionally racially ambiguous character with “coffee and cream” skin and a mother who may have been either Native American or African-American.

In the show, Wednesday notes that Shadow’s mom must have had an “afro”—which is more clarification that the book ever gives. But as author Neil Gaiman has, it was vital that their lead actor look like Ricky Whittle. Shadow Moon is the American melting pot, and his vision of that buffalo may be a hint of more Native American mythology to come. What’s Up With Mad Sweeney’s Accent?

If Shadow Moon is the melting pot, then Mad Sweeney is the melting pot o’ gold. The accent coming out of actor Pablo Schreiber is a veritable vowel rainbow. English actor Sean Harris was originally slated to play the role before he was re-cast with the American Schreiber, so it’s tempting to chalk the leprechaun’s accent up to an American doing his very best.

But, believe it or not, there’s actually precedence for this muddy dialect in the novel. Remember, these Old Gods have come over to the America and lived there for decades or even centuries.

“You don’t have an Irish accent,” Shadow says to Sweeney when they meet in the book. “I’ve been over here too fuckin’ long,” the leprechaun replies.

It’s worth noting that Mad Sweeney isn’t just any old leprechaun. He was also a. In Irish mythology, Buile Suibhne, son of the king of Dal Riada (a kingdom in northern Ireland) is driven mad by a curse, and only regains his sanity after running the entire length of Ireland from north to south. Suibhne, believe it or not, can alternatively, or eventually, be pronounced “Sweeney.” #image: /photos/57930c76ce6d3bca38637541 Who Is Bilquis, And What Did She Do to That Dude? You can find out all about that.